Another most timely, well written commentary. Very thankful I am a subscriber. I have no patience for religious leaders who court the favor of politicians election year after election year by permitting them to occupy their congregations' pulpits. Likewise, no patience for the pew setters who don't have the ethical, moral, or spiritual backbone to call out their pastor for kneeling at the alter of political campaigns, for playing the harlot by placing politics and government above faithfulness to God. Apparently, the God they claim to serve is too small and too weak for them, they seek the power they think politicians can provide. Simply another example, on both sides of the aisle of "Christian Nationalism". Thanks for the article.

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I appreciate your reference to both political parties as participants in the use of the alter for political purposes. The actions of Democrats in Virginia , VP Harris and a reported 300 churches all in support of a candidate for Governor certainly qualifies the Democrats for inclusion in this thoughtful analysis.

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