As a pastor, I applaud the Bishop's comments...and the Fauxident once again showed his thin skin. But the responses by other "Christian" pastors and leaders are deeply disturbing. They have truly sold their souls for political power.

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You are correct. It is deeply disturbing. Thanks for reading! -Brian Kaylor

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Every pastor in America should be quoting her in their sermon this Sunday and every Sunday until Trump is gone. I applaud her courage, honesty and guts to do what she did. Preach on, Sister!

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I am so grateful for the Bishop's prophetic courage; how can we further encourage her when I'm sure she is getting so much flack from the true-to-life Pharisees of our day? Truly God was speaking through her!

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Main ways I've seen people encouraging her is sending a message to the Washington Cathedral & buying her book: https://amzn.to/40PxXck -Brian Kaylor

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I stand with Bishop Budde. I hope that this will not be the last time that clergy as well as lay people who are Jesus followers are embolden to speak the truth. And that includes me. Shame on the other clergy who are not only seeking power but are totally ignoring the words of Jesus, and look to appease rather than confront.

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I find it oddly ironic that she was criticized for not helping unify the country while every public voice President Trump has given has been totally focused on promoting disunity and criticism of those who served before him!

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The irony (& hypocrisy) is quite rich indeed! -Brian Kaylor

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Bishop Budde preached the true Gospel, by which I mean a sermon based on the teachings of Jesus (for the uninitiated, you find Jesus' teachings in the gospels). To really preach the teachings of Jesus will naturally result in prophetic preaching and that takes courage. It can be scary. It may invoke a response and I don't mean someone walking the aisle (thought that could happen, too). Repentance is possible, but in this instance I must sadly admit repentance is unlikely.

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