Outstanding Brian! Oh, the depths to which preachers will go, just to get a little publicity. Apparently, the "Reverend" isn't very familiar with something foound in the Gospel of Matthew, the teaching of a Galilean rabbi, about avoiding offering one's prayers on street corners to be seen. I have quite strong convictions about that most sacred of faith exercises - prayer. Although, when I was pastoring, I weekly offered the "Pastor's Prayer" in the worship service, my true faith exercise in prayer is when I am alone, communicating with the CREATOR, then is when I truely experience the presence which gives reassurance to my faith. Although, I have been called on many times to "pray" at public gatherings outside of worship, I never feel the same sense of the Presence, as when I do when praying in solitude. I am sure the Preacher got just what he desired from his "Da Bears Prayer." I have no assurance that God will be moved to intervene in funding for an NFL team's stadium, I am certain He would have much better uses for the funds for such a project. Thanks for once again informing and challenging your readers.

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This is ridiculous.

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