Those Christians who take a stand against the false religion of Christian Nationalism are the heroes of the Faith today. I can only assume that those who adhere to such an anti-Christian rhetoric neither know Jesus as Lord nor read and understand the Word of God. Dear 'Christians', please re-read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It is there that you will encounter the 'real' Jesus....not the false one Christian Nationalism is espousing.

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I am deeply grateful for other Christ followers who are stepping forward and speaking truth. How the church ( lower case c) ever came to believe that politics and governments would or could ever save us, is completely baffling.

Growing up, I understood the admonition to not take the " Lord your God's" name in vain, to mean not using it as an expletive. I've come to understand, that it goes far beyond that to the reduction of Jesus name to the quest for power and politics. May God have mercy on us.

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Just want to say thanks and God bless for you journalistic ministry. As saddening and depressing as it is, we need to know what is going on. My greatest concern, and indeed fear is that the war the Christian Nationalist are waging, will break out into open conflict, guns and all. After all, our Christian history is littered with the Crusades and the Inquisition, when Christians slaughtered those with whom they disagreed and considered to be heretics. A couple of years ago, I would not have imagined myself writing these words.

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