So other Chrisitians are attacking other Christians. Um, I think this is why the founders of this country did not make Christianity a state religion. First, they knew of the long and terrible history of religious wars in Europe. And secondly, whose theology of Christianity? I am looking fot leaders who are compassionate and open to the diversity that makes up this nation. I am not interested in any so-called leader who makes fun of others for their differences and who want to throw us backward not lead us forward.

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With all of the truely serious issues facing our nation, the faith of a given candidate isn't really an issue that should matter, unless of course, the agenda of those attacking the candidate's relgion is a White Christian Nationalist one. Of course, the WCN folks are so committed to the teachings of Jesus, like - Do unto others as you would have do unto you, and the 2nd Great commandment - Love your fellow humans as your self, -- Aren't they. Thanks for a great article, always need to keep the faith and share the truth.

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Golly, finally us Lutherans get a bit of airtime. Thanks for the great exploration of many things at once. I will share with lotsa my friends, maybe even with a tuna casserole. By the way, I met Angela's parents on a cruise to- where else, Scandanavia. And the ELCA has some really good material out on Civic Life and Faith.

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Glad WB added the "White" to them descriptive title. It is unfortunately appropriate.

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