Perhaps it is time for these legislators to read the Bible as adults, not as 5 year olds in Sunday School. Another verse that springs to mind is 1Corinthians 13:11.

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I never cease to be dismayed at how people at this end of the political spectrum say they are Christians. And I am fearful of how their opinions impact daily life in this town and contaminate the atmosphere of my congregation (which is also the author's congregation).

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Brian, you’ve done it again: revealing the depth off your prophetic understanding of scripture and penetrating political analysis.

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Interesting article, brings up a lot of questions and issues about Soul Freedom and Bible Freedom, however, relying on cherry picked verses from Genesis to support 21st century government policy, is evidence, there are some politicians who simply are not competent to even read, little own make application of a lot of Scripture. One small point, I am fairly certain the buoys do not cover 1,000 miles of the Rio Grande, I believe it is 1,000 feet.

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